CSCI E-80 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
My solutions for CS50 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
I took this course from Harvard Extension School to pursue a graduate certificate in Bioinformatics.
Course description
This course explores the concepts and algorithms at the foundation of modern artificial intelligence, diving into the ideas that give rise to technologies like game-playing engines, handwriting recognition, and machine translation. Through hands-on projects, students gain exposure to the theory behind graph search algorithms, classification, optimization, reinforcement learning, and other topics in artificial intelligence and machine learning as they incorporate them into their own Python programs. By course’s end, students emerge with experience in libraries for machine learning as well as knowledge of artificial intelligence principles that enable them to design intelligent systems of their own.
Before viewing my files, I would highly recommend to read about CS50’s Academic Honesty rules.
Week 0: Search
Project 1: Degrees
The goal of this project is to find the shortest path between two nodes, by implementing Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm. I used a Queue-based frontier to manage the neighbouring nodes that share the same parameter. When you’re done, the final result should look like this:
$ python large
Loading data...
Data loaded.
Name: Emma Watson
Name: Jennifer Lawrence
3 degrees of separation.
1: Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe starred in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
2: Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy starred in Victor Frankenstein
3: James McAvoy and Jennifer Lawrence starred in Dark Phoenix
Click here for the skeleton code.
Click here for solution.
Project 2: Tic-tac-toe
This one is pretty straight-forward. If you don’t know what a tic-tac-toe is, it’s a game where you (X or O) have to draw on a 3x3 grid. Whoever makes a drawing in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game.
The goal of this project is to beat the AI and win!
Click here for the skeleton code.
Click here for my solution.
Week 1: Knowledge
Project 1: Knights
The goal of this project is to solve puzzles using propositional logic (and (∧), or (∨), biconditional (↔)). The basic knowledge for solving this puzzle is that knaves only lie and knight only tell the truth.
The end result should look like this:
$ python
Puzzle 0
A is a Knave
Puzzle 1
A is a Knave
B is a Knight
Puzzle 2
A is a Knave
B is a Knight
Puzzle 3
A is a Knight
B is a Knave
C is a Knight
Click here for the skeleton code.
Click here for my solution.
Project 2: Minesweeper
The goal of this project is to write an AI that plays minesweeper using propositional logic and inference. In short, each piece of information is a sentence that has sets of cells and the number of mines each set contains. By inference, we can deduct potential cells with a mine by infering the number of shared mines between sets. Don’t forget to update the knowledge everytime something new is found!
Click here for the skeleton code.
Click here for my solution.
Week 2: Uncertainty
Project: Heredity
The goal of this project is to use a bayesian network to make a model that provides inferences on gene trait heredity in a given population. You provide information about people and their heritage, and then AI infers the probability of gene heredity for each person.
The end result should look like this:
$ python data/family2.csv
2: 0.0147
1: 0.0344
0: 0.9509
True: 0.0000
False: 1.0000
2: 0.0608
1: 0.1203
0: 0.8189
True: 0.0000
False: 1.0000
2: 0.0404
1: 0.0744
0: 0.8852
True: 0.0768
False: 0.9232
2: 0.0043
1: 0.2149
0: 0.7808
True: 0.0000
False: 1.0000
2: 0.0088
1: 0.7022
0: 0.2890
True: 1.0000
False: 0.0000
Click here for the skeleton code.
Click here for my solution.
Week 3: Optimization
Project: Crossword
The goal of this project is to solve a crossword using backtracking search while incoporating and maintaining arc and node consistencies. The end result should look like this:
$ python data/structure1.txt data/words1.txt output.png
Key is consistency! Make sure the assignment of words to grid variables are consisten in nodes and edges.
Click here for the skeleton code.
Click here for my solution.
Week 4: Learning
Project 1: Shopping
The goal of this project is to create an AI that predicts whether online shopping customers will complete their purchases. For this project, nearest-neighbour classifier is used train the AI with given datasets. The end result should look like this:
$ python shopping.csv
Correct: 4088
Incorrect: 844
True Positive Rate: 41.02%
True Negative Rate: 90.55%
Click here for the skeleton code.
Click here for my solution.
Project 2: Nim
The goal of this project is to train a model using Reinforcement Learning. The AI will play against itself, and if it wins it will reward itself but if it loses, it will punish itself. How cruel!
The key is to use Q-Learning where losing results in -1 and winning results in 1. Recall that Q-learning formula is: Q(s, a) <- old value estimate + alpha * (new value estimate - old value estimate). The end result should look like this:
$ python
Playing training game 1
Playing training game 2
Playing training game 3
Playing training game 9999
Playing training game 10000
Done training
Pile 0: 1
Pile 1: 3
Pile 2: 5
Pile 3: 7
Your Turn
Choose Pile: 1
Choose Count: 3
Pile 0: 1
Pile 1: 0
Pile 2: 5
Pile 3: 7
AI's Turn
AI chose to take 7 from pile 3.
Pile 0: 1
Pile 1: 0
Pile 2: 5
Pile 3: 0
Your Turn
Choose Pile: 2
Choose Count: 5
Pile 0: 1
Pile 1: 0
Pile 2: 0
Pile 3: 0
AI's Turn
AI chose to take 1 from pile 0.
Winner is Human
# I actually won here, which never happened to me before
# But it shows that reinforcement learning is not ideal
# as the model could not train for ALL possible outcomes
Click here for the skeleton code.
Click here for my solution.
Week 5: Neural networks
The goal of this project is to use provided images to train a neural network that classifies road signs. It mimics convolutional neural network and we build an efficient network using the concept of convolutional and pooling layers. It is recommended to experiment with:
- different numbers of convolutional and pooling layers
- different numbers and sizes of filters for convolutional layers
- different pool sizes for pooling layers
- different numbers and sizes of hidden layers
- dropout
The final result should look like this:
$ python gtsrb/
Epoch 1/10
497/497 [==============================] - 3s 7ms/step - loss: 2.8686 - accuracy: 0.3052
Epoch 2/10
497/497 [==============================] - 4s 7ms/step - loss: 1.1733 - accuracy: 0.6533
Epoch 3/10
497/497 [==============================] - 4s 8ms/step - loss: 0.6370 - accuracy: 0.8115
Epoch 4/10
497/497 [==============================] - 4s 8ms/step - loss: 0.4136 - accuracy: 0.8793
Epoch 5/10
497/497 [==============================] - 4s 8ms/step - loss: 0.2983 - accuracy: 0.9171
Epoch 6/10
497/497 [==============================] - 4s 8ms/step - loss: 0.2715 - accuracy: 0.9251
Epoch 7/10
497/497 [==============================] - 4s 8ms/step - loss: 0.2239 - accuracy: 0.9393
Epoch 8/10
497/497 [==============================] - 4s 8ms/step - loss: 0.1857 - accuracy: 0.9497
Epoch 9/10
497/497 [==============================] - 4s 8ms/step - loss: 0.1619 - accuracy: 0.9581
Epoch 10/10
497/497 [==============================] - 4s 8ms/step - loss: 0.1507 - accuracy: 0.9604
331/331 - 1s - loss: 0.1485 - accuracy: 0.9654
Click here for the skeleton code.
Click here for my solution.
Week 6: Languages
Project 1: Parser
The goal of this project is to generate an AI that parses sentences and extract noun phrases. Tip is to deconstruct the sentences into a list of words. Then, build a set of rules that lets us to parse all sentences. The end result should look something like this:
$ python
Sentence: Holmes sat.
| |
| |
holmes sat
Noun Phrase Chunks
Click here for the skeleton code.
Click here for my solution.
Project 2: Questions
The goal of this project… is to generate an AI that answers questions. Pretty straight forward, eh? With the given texts, the AI should answer questions based on the concept of Inverse Document Frequency. The end result should look something like this: $ python corpus Query: What are the types of supervised learning? Types of supervised learning algorithms include Active learning , classification and regression.
$ python corpus
Query: When was Python 3.0 released?
Python 3.0 was released on 3 December 2008.
$ python corpus
Query: How do neurons connect in a neural network?
Neurons of one layer connect only to neurons of the immediately preceding and immediately following layers.
Click here for the skeleton code.
Click here for my solution.
Good luck!!